Recruiters may receive hundreds of resumes per day. On the first pass, each resume will receive an undivided time of about 20 seconds, possibly with only one telephone interruption, to assess whether your resume is printed or deleted. Bearing that in mind, does your resume advertise your qualities, experience and achievements succinctly to inspire the recruiter?
[Your Full Name]
Street Address
City, State, zip
Phone number and email address
[Career Objective]
Brief and specific
Most recent first.
Name of Company, Location you are assigned, dates of employment (month/year), Title. What is the scope of your responsibility, i.e. size of company, revenue, number of people reporting to you, specific duties, etc?
What are the most significant accomplishments you have had in this position? Bullet point format and quantified if possible. List several. Remember, people hire because of what has been accomplished, not where you have been.
Repeat this process for at least the last 10 years. Prior to that you can list Company, title and date of employment. (If you have had multiple positions with an employer, use the employer name, dates of employment and description of the company as the “main” employer heading, then list specific positions with dates under that employer including scope and accomplishments for each position).
Degree, major, grade point average if over a 3.0 and College or University attended. If you do not have a degree, but have some college, show the College and the amount of time attended.